
Bergin's Book of Beasts - DnD 5e

Created by Penny Dragon Games

200+ new beasts and new beast-flavored subclasses for your DnD 5e adventures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important Update
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 03:02:56 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Long Awaited Update - Print Copies and More
10 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 02:25:21 PM

Hey folks,

Got a bunch of new info for you to check out.

Firstly, you should have received your digital files for this projects a while back. However, if you have any issue on that front, please do let us know in the comments below this update. If you need to reach out directly, please use the contact form at Otherwise it might take a long time to get a response.

I know the physical portion of this project will be a year overdue in March 2024. Progress is slow, but we ARE making progress.

Bergin's Book of Beasts Print Copies

We have some good news. The Bergin's Book of Beasts sample prints are with us!

You can see one in the video below. TLDR: The printer mistakenly sent it with a matte cover a few weeks back, so we have a gloss cover now and it looks stunning. The inside is beautiful and the materials are strong and sturdy. There are a few minor issues with the interior. Like we need to update a few bits of art and fill a few empty spaces, but that won't take long at all. We might also need another line edit since Aizendore's Vault required one too and they both went through the same process back in the day.

The art for the premium cover is a go, so we should be able to get one of those sooner rather than later. I'll see what our manufacturer says because it might be easier to wait until we order several samples together.

FireStar Falling

FireStar falling was going full tilt but work stalled when we had to deal with a few issues, some of which are listed in the section below. We were considering upgrading the cover on this book, but we decided against it in the end because we'd rather not add more work to this project and would rather get it over the line as soon as we can. All other art for FireStar Falling is done. When the writing is wrapped up, this will be a fairly quick win in layout.

Other Products

As for other products on this campaign, we won't be ordering samples for those until Q1 2024 with a view to fulfilling rewards in Q2.

We're still working on the designs for most of them, including the minis, GM screen, card decks, map (currently working with a MUCH nicer version of this), dice, and player handouts. All being well, we'll have an update on some of the graphics in January before we start ordering samples.

A heads up that the minis will likely be ordered last as we'll need to refine those over several iterations (as we've discovered with our other 3D files in recent years).

We've received dozens of dice sets for this project and chosen the ones we want. But the custom moulds won't be done until we order the main print run so as to coordinate everything arriving in our fulfillment center in the US at the same time.

We're in between properties at the minute and the dice in question are in storage, but I'll attach pictures to the next update after the holidays.

Things You Should Know

I also want to address misinformation and lies Dave Gibson, a former freelancer who worked with Penny Dragon Games, has been spreading in the comments on various projects.

I can't go into detail on a public forum for legal reasons, however I want to address 2 claims that have been brought to our attention.

Claim 1: Penny Dragon Games let go a number of staff. This is incorrect. A few months ago, three freelancers and Penny Dragon Games parted ways. The people in question were never employed by Penny Dragon Games and were never members of staff. For the record, we have NEVER let any employees go and we hope to never have to.

Claim 2: A writer on Bergin's Book of Beasts is owed a lot of money. This is a downright lie. Our internal publishing policy dictates that we don't publish work until all creatives have been paid. All outstanding writer payments were made for Bergin's Book of Beasts earlier this year.

We've announced this elsewhere, but in case you missed it, our Facebook Page, Website, TikTok content, and more were deleted the same time we parted ways with the aforementioned freelancers.

In an effort to run fewer Kickstarters, so as to focus on closing out the ones we've already run (like Bergin's Book of Beasts), we spent a year building up website sales and we came to rely more upon those. The destruction of our online property deleted years of ads data, ads accounts, ads platforms, and the webstore where we sold our products. Fortunately, our team were able to restore much of the website from a backup and fix the missing bits within a few days. However, the ads we used to send traffic there are gone for good. This created many challenges for Penny Dragon Games, some of which we're still navigating.

Dave was aware of those challenges.

Dave has been spamming the comments section and has invited some of you to speak with him privately. You'll notice that we do not respond to him. We cannot do so for legal reasons.

We hope that clears a few things up.

As you've probably noticed if you follow other projects, we're being more mindful about providing more regular updates. In that vein we'll post updates every 2 - 3 weeks.

Given the time of year, we'll not update again until January shortly before we order the first major round of samples for this campaign.

Wishing you a great weekend and season's greetings.


NEW Update for Bergin's Book of Beasts
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 02:53:47 PM

Samples Samples Samples

The box of Bergin's samples is due to arrive in Ireland tomorrow. We are insanely excited to get our hands on them and see the quality for ourselves.

I thought I'd share a video sent to use from manufacturing a couple of weeks ago, please excuse the quality of video, we will have detailed high quality videos as soon as these arrive here.

Firestar Falling

I know this one is long awaited and I promise it is well underway. There are some outstanding monsters and writing that is nearing completion and then it will need to be reviewed by our editor. 

As is the case with one or two of our previous products, we've learnt a tremendous amount since we first started out on this journey and that has naturally slowed things down and, in some instances, caused us to rework entire products. 

Firestar Falling is one that has needed a little extra attention.

And to what end?

Well, I'm a firm believer that once you know better you're in a position to do better. 

We hope that the products that have needed to be reworked and improved will reflect all of that knowledge we've gained. And that they are worth the wait.

I genuinely appreciate the patience that our backers have exercised and I want to assure you I am doing my best to keep you informed more regularly on project progress.

As A Thank You

We're offering 20% off coupon that can be applied to EVERYTHING in our web store.

That includes the use of this discount on our last remaining slots for the exclusive LIVE One Shot Workshop we're hosting with the Penny Dragon creative team on the 4th December 2023.

You can use the code on the web store HERE. 

Type in the coupon code provided below at the checkout.

*Please note that this coupon expires 23rd November 2023.

Unlock your creative potential and embark on a journey through the realms of storytelling and adventure creation with our team!

In this unique workshop, we will guide you through a 6 hour workshop detailing the entire process of crafting a captivating one-shot adventure, from inception to completion including a Q&A session.

Thank you for your continued support, we wouldn't be able to keep creating without it!



🐅 The Samples Are on the Way!
12 months ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 04:01:09 PM

Good News

Our Bergin's Book of Beasts samples are on the way! 🙌 As soon as we receive, review, and approve them, we'll share new pictures with you.

Project Status

Our team is working hard to ensure everything is perfect–the Book and all the extras–and we're thrilled to be another step closer to the finish line (fulfillment) on this project.

Looking Ahead

Our next milestone is receiving and reviewing the samples. As soon as we're happy with the samples and have no further changes, we will approve them and work on the print run. 

Thank you all so much for your patience, encouragement, and support. 🙏

🐉 Bergin's Book of Beasts is Ready!! 🙌
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:50:51 PM

Release the Beasts

That's right! Bergin's Book of Beasts is now complete (5 days ahead of our last estimate!), and the PDF has been distributed through Backerkit! 🥳 

Check your inbox for the email from Backerkit, download your zipped PDF, open and enjoy! 

Next Steps

Next, we'll be ordering proofs. As soon as we receive the proofs and approve them, we'll share an updated delivery estimate for the physical copies.

We'll share another update on our progress on the proof and our deliverables in mid-August.

For now, dive into the PDF and delight at the awesome art, the excellent writing and lore, and the fantastic formatting! Our writers, artists, and designers worked incredibly hard to create an incredible experience for you with this book. 😁