
Bergin's Book of Beasts - DnD 5e

Created by Penny Dragon Games

200+ new beasts and new beast-flavored subclasses for your DnD 5e adventures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Another Stretch goal AND the Final Countdown!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 10:29:26 PM

Congratulations on unlocking another stretch goal!!!

Character Backgrounds

BBoB will now include new character backgrounds based on the beastly subclasses! These can serve as interesting NPCs for your world or ideas for players creating characters based on said subclasses.

Will we hit the $175,000 stretch goal?

We've only got about 30 minutes left on the clock, but I never say never :D

The Final Countdown!

And congratulations on a great Kickstarter!

You've helped bring a great new product to life. Writing is well under way and we're gearing up on the art front next week.

We're cleaning a few slates on other projects over the next few weeks then we can dive head first into putting this all together.

The team and I are looking forward to setting this wild thing free! *insert lion roar*

Penny Dragon Games is also releasing another great book in the summer, so we need to fulfill this one asap! Which means you will get your stuff sooner rather than later...PROVIDING global shipping delays and paper shortages don't hit us too hard :)

And of course, we'll keep you posted on progress!

Until the next update!



The Golden Goose

If you need to scratch that itch in the meantime, you don't need me to tell you that Kickstarter is the gift that keeps on giving...and the big hole in my pocket that keeps on growing :D

Here are a few campaigns with awesome offerings:

Levitating Dice

I'm sure you've already seen this one. Who hasn't? And who doesn't want a set of floating dice? :O

As they put it themselves...

"You enter the room eager to start your next session. Your GM is sitting at the table strumming their fingers, looking smug, and grinning maniacally as they call out, "Welcome! I’ve been waiting for you. And the dice are all charged up." Your eyes turn toward the mahogany base beside the game screen with a solitary d20 hovering and slowly turning in mid-air with the 20 facing up."

Check it out Here...

Adventures in ADHD

"In the near yet far domain called Lotstoodoo, where things are constantly misplaced, rearranged, reimagined, or downright left to their own magically unregulated existence, something terrible has happened. The Archfey who was master of such a place, is gone. Their one trusted servant will go to great lengths to trick or steal some well-regulated attention so he can restore order to his beloved domain while he waits for the return of the Archfey."

Check it out Here...

We Are Scarlet Twilight

The cross over between D&D and comic books is not a small one. In case you missed these guys...

"We Are Scarlet Twilight #3 is a 22 page comic that picks up on the story after the first two chapters! As always, it’s very inspired by golden age comics and pulp conventions- so if you’re a fan of Batman: The Animated Series, the Shadow, Metropolis and Flash Gordon, this is the comic for you!"

Check it out Here...

Boss STL Files for ALL!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 01:02:11 AM

The insanity continues!

Congratulations on unlocking the STL files for the 5 bosses from Firestar Falling.

To be honest, yall unlocked this yesterday...BUT...we moved house the day before and I literally slept for two days...and I'm STILL exhausted!

So apologies for that.

These STL files will got out to all backers in the pledge manager as soon as they are available!

One of my favorite parts of this job is getting to see art progress from sketch, to illustration, to STL, to mini, to painted mini!

It blows my mind. Every. Time. And though we don't have any examples of Firestar Falling minis just yet...I will post another update soon of minis we've made in the past :)

New BBoB character backgrounds is up next as a stretch goal, followed by a new encounter, Maybe I'm a Lion (brownie points if you guess the inspiration for the name)...I'm confident we'll hit the character backgrounds. The encounter...I'm not sure about that, but I really hope we do unlock it as I have a great idea for this one!

Thank you again so much for your support.

The last few days are upon us!

And I get the feeling it's going to be good :)



To tide you over until the next update, a few campaigns I think you might like :)

Caged Dragon Dice

With only 34 hours left on the clock this boyo is almost fully cooked...

Hollow Metal Caged Dragon Dice

The Gaius Dragon Dice are made from copper and caged in the middle of each dice is a trapped dragon, representing Gaius the Nature Dragon God from my fantasy epic and 5e Campaign, Luminous Ages. The inside of these dice is hollow, except for the caged dragon, allowing for a full metal aesthetic without the table crushing weight of other metallic dice.

Check it out here...

Attention Dungeon Masters, plus players, enhance your games for your spell casters and apply even more EPIC adventure options into your game, check out CRIT EFFECT!! This takes spell casting to a “I didn’t know it would do THAT!” Level of surprise!

Have you ever considered what it would look like to see a critical success fireball in a room full of guards when you gave up sneaking into the castle?  Would that mean increased damage or a larger blast radius, or what about….both? Oh ho, the possibilities! What about a critical charm person on the big bad evil person, as they are about to take down your cleric who is attempting to revive the fighter that is near death? Yes, there is always that 5% chance of rolling a natural 1 (oh look your head and those of your party are on fire! Ouch-sorry) but that’s part of a grand Adventure and creating Epic stories!

Check it out here

$100,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 07:44:17 PM


We've already hit the $100k mark and that means unlocking a special stretch goal!

Bergin's Journal of Wild Wonder

This additional content will include detailed notes on beast habitats, their predators, their prey, and interesting ways for GMs to run them...penned by Bergin himself while on his travels through the many wild lands of the multiverse.

These notes will also include a mix of lore, interesting facts, unusual behaviors, and a glimpse into the weird and wonderful mind of Bergin, a character who we will see more in a special little (read BIG) book releasing in 2023.

In other words, lots more awesome content for your games.

This stretch goal will considerably increase the page count of Bergin's Book of Beasts. I can't be specific at this time, but the additional content will mean dozens of new pages.

5 x Monster STLs

The next stretch goal will unlock STL files for the 5 boss minis from Firestar Falling. This level 1 - 5 adventure takes place in 5 parts, each part ending with a boss encounter and culminating in a big "final" boss battle with an Avatar of Mawlek, an antagonist that is integral to the setting of Andovan (more details to be revealed later this year). Essentially, we're releasing several collections of books (setting/source and adventure) over the coming years.

Firestar Falling and Firestar Rising offer a small glimpse into what those will entail. FF and FR take place in central Midestra, one of four primary contenents on the world of Andovan.

A work-in-progress concept piece of the Micodile

But enough rambling.

There are 21 days left on the campaign!

Let's see how many more stretch goals we can unlock along the way.

And again, thank you kindly for your support.

It means a great deal to me and the Penny Dragon Games team! :)

Until next time, have a great week.


Paddy Finn

What Will The Dice Look Like & Happy St. Paddy's Day!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 08:14:58 AM

This one's for all you dice goblins out there!

Jonathan asked the following question in the comments, and while replying I realized the information deserved more visibility.

First, thank you for the great question, Jonathan. This is another reason I love being part of this community!

We dice goblins know what we want! :D

The images on the Kickstarter page are artist interpretations of the dice, based on my brief.

I told the artists what I wanted. And they delivered the graphics. 

Bergin's Beast Dice are VERY close to what I 98% close. 

The Firestar Corruption Dice...errr...not so much (which is totally my bad and not a reflection on the artist...I ran out of time to suggest changes).

So...I present to thee more information about the dice.

Bergin's Beast Dice

A set of 7 opaque acrylic polyhedral dice. 

A combination of sand and sunset orange pigments to match the Serengeti sunset theme on the cover of Bergin's Book of Beasts. 

Complete with animal paw design to represent the highest numbers of each di (possibly minus the d4 depending on tests).

Premium Firestar Corruption Dice

A set of 7 semi-transparent/transluscent resin polyhedral dice. 

A combination of deep blue and purple pigments with a touch of glitter to create a "galaxy" effect. 

Complete with a meteor design to represent the highest number of each di (possibly minus the d4 depending on tests).

The following image is a better representation of what I have in mind...HOWEVER our font will either be white/very light purple/silver and much more readable.

Design Principles

As with most things I design, I aim for a balance between form and function with an emphasis on function. Personally, I love my dice to be beautiful, but more importantly I want them to work!

That means that they are balanced. It means that they are durable. And it means that I can see the font.

I want them to work as intended in the game. And I want to be able to read them without breaking out my portable deepspace telescope.

Progress Reports

First, a disclaimer that though we're working closely with our manufacturer to achieve the above results, we won't know what we've got until we've got it.

That said, we've ordered a bunch of general test sets, and as soon as this goes to manufacturing, we will get better images so you can make a better decision about whether to add these in Backerkit before committing to your order.


If there are any doubts regarding my dice goblin card, here I am taking my daughters to get their first real set of clickity clacks on my birthday earlier this month:

Complete with photo bomb by a beastie!

We're in the run up to the end of the 72 hours. If you haven't already, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let your gaming friends know about the free print and PDF copies of Firestar Falling...

They'll thank you.

I'll thank you.

Everyone will thank you :)


Paddy Finn

P.S. Happy St. Paddy's Day :D

UNLOCKED! Random Encounter Deck Add On!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 04:48:23 AM

Good day...

We blasted past the $75,000 stretch goal in the night.


Random Encounter Deck

"You travel the road lost in thought when a high-pitched shriek tears you from your reverie. The sound issues again from a stand of oak to your right. This time it's more of a pathetic whimper."

Ask players for a DC 13 (Wisdom) Nature roll.

13: "It sounds like an animal might be in trouble."

18: "You're certain the animal is a wolf. Judging by the high-pitch of the cries, it is likely a pup."

23: "You notice an animal trail cut into the underbrush around the copse and realize it would make a great place to lay an animal trap."

"What do you do?"


...on unlocking the random encounter deck. It is now available as an add-on.

This deck will include a selection of combat encounters, social encounters, and interesting descriptions to add a little flavor along the way.

This will, of course, include a selection of ecnounters with beasts!

A rough mockup :)

Bergin's Journal of Wild Wonder

I am VERY excited by the next stretch goal ($100,000)...and at the current rate, we'll hit it tonight or tomorrow. 

I love lore and flavor text...and unlocking this will add both in spades to Bergin's Book of Beasts.

Remarkable Guilds

Loresmyth launched their Remarkable Guilds kickstarter around the same time we launched. And they are on a similar trajectory. I've backed a few of Chris's projects over the years. The guy puts out really solid content and this recent campaign looks no different.

It's got everything from great art to great ideas...AND its system agnostic!

I can't wait to start using the guilds on my own games.

Check it out :)

Thank you again SO much for your support!

Wishing you a great weekend...and hopefully lots of gaming.

Paddy Finn