
Bergin's Book of Beasts - DnD 5e

Created by Penny Dragon Games

200+ new beasts and new beast-flavored subclasses for your DnD 5e adventures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🦫 July Update: Nearing the Finish Line
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 11:53:22 AM

Happy July, fellow adventurers!

We'd hoped to get an update out a bit sooner, but our team full of humans is working hard on getting this over the finish line, and as humans, we sometimes have interference in the form of illness or other unexpected hindrances. It appears that monthly updates work best for our team's needs and pace. 

According to Piotr, our Graphic Designer, Chapter 3 is over 90% complete, and the last things to be finished are two appendices which are over 50% finished. In any case, our team estimates less than two weeks of work remain to get this over the finish line and delivered to all of you by 31 July! 🙌

To tide you over, here is a sneak peek at a few pages our team has been working on. 😁

Meet the Team

Meet Piotr, our Graphic Designer. He was under the weather for a bit and sends his apologies for the delay it may have caused, but we're just glad that he's feeling better. 

1. Name: Piotr
 2. Position/Duties: Graphic Designer
 3. Where are you from: Poland originally, living in Belfast
 4. Favorite thing you’ve ever worked on: Aizendore’s Vault of Tragic Treasure
 5. Favorite campaign or game: Baldur’s Gate 2 (videogame)
 6. Cosplay: Never done cosplay but if I did, it would be a Barbarian
 7. What is your go-to food while gaming and/or working: Ice lollies

🌊 June Update: We're nearing completion!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 01:12:46 PM

Happy June, adventurers!

Our estimated completion status is currently 85%. Almost everything has been created and reviewed, and we are now in the layout stage of the process for Chapter 3 and the three appendices. Chapter 3 is a behemoth and constitutes 180+ pages of the book!

Although this isn't a cakewalk through a happily-enchanted forest, our graphic designer, writers, and artists are all anxious to deliver this excellent book (and all of the extras and bonuses) to you.

In fact, our Graphic Designer is confident that even a conservative estimate of our finish line for the book is 16 July. We'll keep you updated and deliver it as soon as it's finished.

Updates will be shared more regularly now, and more staff have been added to the team to increase our progress speed (such as more writers and artists) and to ensure you, our amazing backers, are kept up to date on our progress (such as me, Audrey, here to share updates and help answer questions). 

Our next update will come at the end of the month, and we'll share our estimated percentage along with a sneak peek at some of the art coming to you in the book!

For now, I'd love to introduce you to one of the many people working hard on finishing this project for you. 😊 I'll share more interviews with our staff until we complete fulfillment. 

Meet Nicci: Lead Editor and Writer

Name: Nicci-Grace Isbell

Position/Duties: Lead Editor and Writer

Where are you from? Belfast, Northern Ireland

Favorite thing you’ve ever worked on? Firestar Falling. It’s a cosmic horror/body horror adventure where the party are pulled into a quest to find a missing friend, and on the way, they discover some pretty horrific mutations caused by an unknown corrupting force. Though it’s still a work in progress, I’m really excited to see the finished product. It’s the first longer campaign I’ve written, so it’s been really challenging and a lot of fun taking ownership over the narrative of the campaign. I also had the opportunity to work with several other great writers on it and to work with our Art Director to get the right artwork and maps created for it. It definitely feels like the project I’ve had the most freedom to put my stamp, and I’m looking forward to seeing it all come together. I had a lot of fun writing a particular section called “Riddle me Witch,” that features a witch doctor NPC who only speaks in riddles. I think it will make for a really fun encounter for the GM and the players, and I can’t wait to hear feedback on it.

Favorite campaign or game? Curse of Strahd. This was my first ever experience of playing Dungeons & Dragons, and my DM was great – he really leaned into the roleplaying of NPCs and made the campaign a lot fun.

Cosplay? Any cosplay that gives me an excuse to wear a catsuit…  Joking aside, I do love cosplay. I’ve never grown out of dressing up, and I like how over the top you can be with cosplay – the bigger/more elaborate, the better. That said, I’m planning a very understated Ellie cosplay at the next appropriate opportunity (TLOU: Part 2).

What is your go-to food while gaming and/or working? Chocolate. Every time.

Nicci-Grace is a writer, an editor, and, above all, a daydreamer. Based somewhere between Northern Ireland and any other country that takes her fancy, she often works on the road (or the plane or the boat). With a degree in Theology and Performing Arts, she has a passion for world-building, role-playing, and dressing up (or “cosplaying” when she wants to sound sophisticated). She is an aspiring fantasy and dystopia author, an avid Game of Thrones fan, and a Taylor Swift enthusiast. Having delved into the world of TTRPG around eight years ago, she loves the fun-loving wistfulness of it all, as well as the occasional NSFW pun. 

Quick Update
over 1 year ago – Sun, May 07, 2023 at 06:30:41 AM

Hey All 

So it is the end of the first week of May and I know my last update said that we would be delivering now but sadly we have a had a few delays and while the first chapters are ready the last few still need some work before the final PDF is ready to go. Currently the time to completion is looking to be closer to the end of May (possibly June but hopefully not). 

Until next time 


An Update on Layout and Art
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 10:53:23 AM

Hey All 

So this will be a short update about the state of where we are with layout and art. Currently we are waiting for the last few pieces of replacement art to filter in and we have made serious progress on the layout with the first chapter expected to be ready for its final proof read next week. 

With that in mind we are aiming at this moment to have the PDF sent out by the end of April or at latest in early May (think first week) but as with all things life happens and we want to make sure the final product we deliver is as good as we can make it. 

Till next time 


Kyle Gray

Quick code update
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 01:42:34 AM

Hi All 

Quick update the code needs to be used on the check out page under promotion code 

Till next time 
