
Bergin's Book of Beasts - DnD 5e

Created by Penny Dragon Games

200+ new beasts and new beast-flavored subclasses for your DnD 5e adventures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Your BBoB Random Encounter Deck
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 10:27:35 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

A Vorpal Blade, a Graphics Problem, and a Meandering Menagerie
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 01:48:31 AM

After a few issues with the stretch goal graphics on the launch page, we finally got it sorted. I blame One Drive.

I was also away at a friend's house for our monthly games of D&D. We've been playing the campaign for 3 years. My character just hit level 10 and had a big character arc moment. Tonight I received a moonblade and rolled on a d100 table 3 times for the runes. I ended up with a +1 to attack and damage rolls, additional 1d6 slashing damage, and on the 3rd roll I rolled a 100!!! Making it a Vorpal Blade! 

So, now I'm running around with a +4 Vorpal Blade that does an additional 1d6 slashing damage.

But the session ended with my PC standing before 6 frost giants.

Next session should

I'm really stoked as I've been dealing meh damage as a DEX based Eldritch Knight until this point.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away there.

But I just had to share the epic moment I'd been waiting for for years :)


Stretch Goals 5 - Unlocked

That's right, we are now adding the Meandering Menagerie to Bergin's Book of Beasts. Kyle has already jumped on it, so we should get a rough idea what it's about soon. 

Needless to say, BBoB is growing to be quite the book, and if we hit the $100,000 stretch goal, it'll grow a whole lot more!

Oh, and the next SG is a cool random encounter deck!

As a side note...

I've been following Cryan's Magnificent Walking Marketplace the entire campaign. I pretty much backed them right away because I loved the art style and they've got a great project.

Worth a look if you're in the market for...well a walking marketplace o.O

I suspect that I'll be posting another Stretch Goal update tomorrow.

Not that I want to keep bothering you, but you guys keep unlocking more!

And I really appreciate it.

The whole team does!

Chat again soon.

Paddy Finn

How To Claim Your Free Firestar Falling Book - And Stretch Goal 3 Unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 12:41:15 AM

First of all...

 Thank you again!

I woke up to find that we'd unlocked another stretch goal in the night!

How to Claim Your Free Firestar Falling Book

The first text block on the Kickstarter page explains exactly how this works, but it seems there's been some confusion.

  • Back a physical tier in the first 72 hours (extended for one of our promotors). That's all you need to do!
  • At the end of the 72 hours, we generate a report of everyone who has backed a physical tier to that point. And we remove all theFree Firestar Fallingpromo material from the Kickstarter.
  • When the Backerkit pledge manager launches, we credit the free book to your pledge manager account.

Oh! Almost forgot...

We hadn't originally planned to include the PDF, but the PDF is now included...Because that's how a Penny Dragon do.

Stretch Goal 3

We've unlocked 10 New Magic Items specific to familiars and animal companions.

And, of course, Bergin's Book of Beasts contains well-balanced rules for using said items.

I'm adding an Eldritch Foundry coupon to the $40,000 mark and a set of free STL files for the boss minis as part of a higher stretch goal.

A sample of some tragic flavored magic items we created for another book:

Spread from Aizendore's Vault of Tragic Treasure Playtest

By the way, if you want to make sure you don't miss out on any of this stuff in the future, I recommend joining the Penny Dragon Games newsletter.

I'm blown away that we've already gotten so far in the first 24 hours!

Again, you have my gratitude!

Until the next update...

Paddy Finn

Stretch Goal 4 - UNLOCKED!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 12:41:13 AM


I didn't think I'd be typing this so soon!

We haven't hit the 24 hour mark yet and we've already unlocked stretch goal 4!

My wife came into the office to tell me. I had my headphones on and she scared the life out of me!

Speaking of my wife, some of you may have noticed that our YouTube channel recently underwent a rebrand. I haven't posted there in months, but Kayleigh and I will be posting new videos next week.

It'll be D&D specific rather that generic company stuff :)

It should be fun!


Stretch Goal 4 Unlocked!

This means all backers will receive an Eldritch Foundry coupon shortly after the campaign ends.

Eldritch Foundry create custom minis. It's a great way to make your player characters and NPCs come to life...and they make a gift for friends.

I'm literally on my way out the door, so I will have to update the graphics on the launch page when I get back!

The next stretch goal is the encounter, Meandering Menagerie, for Bergin's Book of Beasts...I can't wait to see what our designers come up with for that one.

Then we've got a deck of Random Encounter cards as an add on.

Honestly, I'm struggling to keep up!

That said, keep it coming :D

Thank you again for your wonderful support!

I couldn't be more excited about getting these books together and sent off to print!

Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting

I just stumbled upon these guys and I love the look of their Kickstarter page.

They've got new monsters, subclasses, and a bunch of other cool ghostly delights.

Plus, who doesn't like ghost hunting/D&D combos?

It makes me wonder if we'll put something together for Halloween this year. I mean, I love horror, but I don't know if we'll have the bandwidth.

We shall see! :)

Another Stretch Goal...Wut? But we're only day 1! o.O
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 12:37:49 PM

WOW! I'm flabbergasted!

My head's still...I...Don't even know what to say.

Except, congratulations! You've unlocked 10 NPCs based on the new subclasses in Bergin's Book of Beasts.

This idea came from our Mag of Holding Books. In Pirates & Seafaring, for examples, we created the Sea Domain Cleric. To go along with that, we created the NPC, Ambris Seaspray:

Ambris Seaspray from Mag of Holding - Pirates & Seafaring

This was taken from the PDF. It's also available in print. We've still got a bunch of these sitting in our warehouse in California. I believe they are available on this projects as add-ons.

Anyway...We'll do something similar in BBoB. I can't wait to working with our team to create these new NPCs!

And again! Thank you so much for your kind support.

I still can't believe it!,

Paddy Finn